Hebrews 11:1 (KJV)
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Having discussed faith thus far, I would want us to look at its definition at a deeper and microscopic level. From my study of the definition of faith as stated above in our theme Scripture, I’ve discovered that what majority of God’s people call faith, is actually not faith.
Let’s focus on the first part of this definition today, and make the second part our focus tomorrow. What did the author mean when he said, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for…”? In the first place, the word “Now” automatically places faith in the now. Faith is always in the now, and not in the future by and by. The author went on to say, “Now faith IS…” Faith is not going to be; it is! It is the substance of things hoped for.
What are you hoping for? What things are you hoping for? Whatever you’re hoping for in this life, faith covers it all. The ultimate hope of the believer is to see Jesus. Take note that, the things you hope for, the Scripture says, faith is the substance of it. The Greek word translated “substance” is “hypostasis.” In the context of what we’re studying, hypostasis means, “Underlying substance or reality that gives existence to something.” What comes to mind is a seed. For the things you hope for to become a reality, it must have an underlying substance; something that is so tangible, though it cannot be seen. Hypostasis also means, “Foundation or basis of something, highlighting its underlying support or structure.” What comes to mind is an architectural drawing which becomes the foundation for the actual building.
So, when Hebrews 11:1a says, “Now faith is the substance of things hope for…” the author meant, the things you hope for; the things you desire; whatever they are, faith embodies the substance of it; faith embodies the image and the seed of it, as though it’s already done. Faith is a seed; it is the image of what you hope for. No wonder our Lord Jesus said, “…verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Matthew 17:20, KJV).
In other words, whatever you hope for, if you can get its image, even if it’s as small as a mustard seed, you’ve gotten it. If you can get the image of what you hope for, and see it on the screen of your mind as though it’s already done, nothing shall be impossible unto you.
This is a warning to those of us who preach and keep telling the congregation, “God is about to do A-B-C.” So long as you keep saying, “God is about to…” you keep pushing the desire or what you hope for, further away from you. God is not about to; He has done it already! Everything we hope for, in this life, has been covered by the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ. So, get the substance of what God has already accomplished as an image or photograph on the screen of your mind, even if it’s as small as a mustard seed. Uphold that image with your personal will, to the exclusion of all outside distractions.
It’s like a woman who has conceived a fresh seed in her womb. No one can see the seed, but it’s tangible to her. She knows she’s carrying a seed, and will keep that seed through an average of a nine month gestation period. You too, once you get the image of what you hope for, uphold it with your will; keep it through its “gestation period”, because what you hold as an image on the screen of your mind, will ultimately cloth itself in a physical form, if you don’t miscarry.
Thus, when you say you have faith, it’s so tangible to you; it’s so real to you. Nobody knows what you’re talking about, but you have it already, and it shows in your speech and conduct.