1 Corinthians 11:25 (NKJV)
In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.”
When we get to know the significance and power of the blood of Jesus, we will appreciate why He instructs us to drink it in remembrance of Him. Humankind was without hope, and without a future, if not for the blood of Jesus! The blood has settled, and still settles all controversies.
God did not create Adam with the sin nature; Adam inherited that nature when he yielded to the temptation that came through the serpent. You inherit the nature of the one whose voice you listen to and obey. The sin nature separated man from God; humankind was spiritually dead and doomed. It was a hopeless situation. Bear in mind, that, the devil and his angels had already rebelled against God, long before Adam. Their final destiny is eternity in the everlasting fire (Matthew 25:41). When Adam inherited the sin nature, he became a rebel on the inside; he looked in his spirit, what a leper looks like in his physical body. And he passed that nature through his seed, to all his descendants. Humankind became rebellious; we were destined to spend eternity in the everlasting fire, just like the devil and his angels, because God cannot countenance sin. And since God looks at the heart, all He saw when He looked at humankind was rebellion.
God’s law was that, there’s no remission, removal, or washing away of sins without the shedding of blood. But Adam’s blood was already contaminated with sin, so whose blood was going to be used to wash away his sin? This was how hopeless man was! Thank God for His eternal provision through the shed blood of Jesus to wash away the sin nature of humankind. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit; He did not come through Adam’s race, so His blood was not contaminated with sin. When He walked the earth, He was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. His blood was therefore efficacious to wash away the sins of humankind. And this is the very reason why He was born. This is the very reason why He lived a sinless life all His days here on earth. This is the very reason why He offered Himself to be crucified. And glory be to God, when His blood poured out, that was God’s answer to the problem of humanity. Oh, that we will partake of the Lord’s Supper with this in mind! Oh, that we will remember what Jesus has done for us by shedding His blood! Remember Him for taking away the root of all our problems.
Sin is the root, the source, and the cause of all the problems of humanity. If the root has been taken away through the shed blood of Jesus, is it the fruits that cannot be taken away?