1 Peter 3:7 (KJV)
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
The word, “Likewise” in our theme Scripture means, “Equally” or “In the same way.” God is no respecter of persons; He equally addressed husbands after He had finished addressing wives. The first instruction is for husbands to dwell with their wives according to knowledge.
The Greek word translated “knowledge” in this verse is “gnosis.” Gnosis is “scientific knowledge.” That means God wants husbands to know the scientific facts about the female gender. Remember, marriage is a covenant relationship between a man and a WOMAN. It’s the woman who becomes a wife when the marriage is consummated. There are general scientific facts about women; husbands are instructed by Scripture to know these facts. Hence, ignorance is no excuse.
There isn’t enough space in this devotion to list all the scientific facts about women. However, suffice it to say that, women are generally intuitive, while men are generally logical. Women are more emotional while men are more rational. By her intuitive nature, a woman may make a claim that doesn’t follow any logical order. A husband may argue with her because she may not have the facts of her claim, yet, more often than not, such claims are proven to be true. The female sex hormones make women go through periodic menstrual cycles, and at a certain age, they experience menopause. These cycles are usually accompanied by mood changes, breast tenderness, acne, and menstrual cramps. If a husband doesn’t know anything about these changes, he can be frustrated in his marital life. Women see more colours than men. As a result, they can perceive what is not easily noticeable to men. A husband must know his wife’s temperament, whether she’s a choleric, sanguine, melancholic, or phlegmatic. A husband’s failure to know his wife’s temperament, can make him compare her with other women unnecessarily. Women are more likely than men, to report having physical and emotional stress; and a husband must know this fact, so that he relates with his wife in a way that does not trigger any stress. The list goes on and on.
These scientific facts sometimes make the female gender a complicated one. If a man doesn’t know this, he may engage a wife and may never benefit from her companionship.