1 Peter 3:7 (KJV)
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
From our theme Scripture, the second instruction to a husband, is for him to give honour to his wife, as unto a weaker vessel. Apostle Peter likens the female gender to a weaker vessel. A weaker vessel is that which is fragile and delicate; that which can easily break if not handled with care.
How a set of glass is handled, is different from how a set of plastic cups is handled. If we’re to transport a set of glass and a set of plastic cups together, we will package the set of glass with all the necessary cushioning so as to avoid breakages. A manufacturer will give the inscription, “Handle with care” on the package of a set of glass, because it is fragile and delicate. But that of the set of plastic cups may not need much cushioning nor any caution, because it is robust and does not easily break.
This is the picture Apostle Peter had in mind when he said a husband should give honour to his wife, as unto a weaker vessel. The Greek word translated “give” in this verse of Scripture is also translated, “bestow.” A husband is to bestow honour on his wife as unto a weaker vessel; he is to bestow all the necessary cushioning and care his wife needs. Your wife should not be treated with robustness as you’d do any other vessel. Handle her with care, the way you’d do a weaker vessel. Bestow on her the love and affection she needs. Give her the attention and care that she’s been designed to receive.
A wife needs tender loving care. She knows you love her, but she needs to hear you say it to her over and over again, that, “I love you.” Nothing sweeps a wife off her feet than when you give her the honour of a wife – when you treat her special above all else.