Monday, August 3, 2020
Month Theme: Let Brotherly Love Continue
Topic: Let Brotherly Love Continue
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 11:6-9
Main Text:
John 13:34
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
In the early days of the Church the writer of the book of Hebrews urged the Hebrews to let brotherly love continue (Hebrews 13:1). The words “brotherly love” in the above verse is the Greek word “Philadelphia” which means brotherly love, fraternal affection and brotherly kindness. This kind of love is phileo love.
This kind of love is different from the agape love of God in that it is demonstrated to people who have a close relationship with us, whereas agape is shown towards those who may have nothing to do with us. Philadelphia is a product of agape. The word “continue” in Hebrews 13:1 is the Greek word "menō" which means to stand, dwell, endure, tarry, continue and abide. It is interesting to note that the word “let” is also the same Greek word menō.
We could therefore render the above verse in different ways.
Let brotherly love continue, remain or endure or stand or abide. Continue, brotherly love, continue. Endure brotherly love endure. Stand, brotherly love, stand.
The word "menō" is repeated for emphasis. Love was under severe threat and the author was admonishing the saints to continue to love. Love must survive our times. Love must endure the temptations of our day. Your love must stand the betrayals it is suffering daily.
Prayer: Pray that your love will endure tests and trials.
Extract from:
"The Love Revolution" by Eastwood Anaba
Other Reading:
"The Millennium Pages of Love" by Eastwood Anaba
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