Proverbs 18:21 (KJV)
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Where have you found yourself today? Have you made progress, or you have rather retrogressed? How do you bring yourself out of that unpleasant situation, so as to begin to enjoy the fruit of your labour?
Well, our theme Scripture has a lot to offer us, as far as making progress, or otherwise, is concerned. Your tongue plays a vital role as to whether your life will be plunged into death and darkness, or you’d enjoy life to the fullest. Both death and life are released through the power of the tongue.
Whenever you speak a word, whether death or life, bear in mind that a seed is sown. In the parable of the sower, Jesus explained that the seed is the Word of God (Luke 8:11). Words are seeds! Never forget that! Whenever you speak a word for the first time, a seed is sown. When you continue to speak that same word, day after day, you’re watering the seed sown. With time, that seed will germinate into a seedling; and ultimately, the seedling will grow into a tree, having branches, with leaves and flowers. If you keep speaking those same words, the flowers will eventually bear fruits. If the seed you sowed and watered through your daily confession was death, you’d eat the fruit of death. On the other hand, if the seed you sowed and watered through your daily confession was life, you’d eat the fruit of life. At the fruit stage, no one can stop you from eating the fruit of your confession. That’s why you’ve got to watch your tongue. The phrase, “...they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof” means, “They that are COMMITTED to it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
Love is commitment! If you keep speaking words, contrary to the Word of God, you’re speaking death; and once you keep speaking the same thing daily, it means you love death. At the fruit stage, you’d eat the fruit of death. Watch your tongue by letting it speak words that agree with the Word of God. It is only then, that you’ll eat the fruit of life at the fruit stage; for the Word of God is life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh (Proverbs 4:20-22).