1 Peter 3:7 (KJV)
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
After Apostle Peter had admonished husbands to dwell with their wives according to knowledge; after he had cautioned husbands to handle their wives with care; after he had revealed that both husband and wife are joint-heirs of the grace of life; the last line of our theme Scripture encourages the husband to do all these things so that his prayers would not be hindered.
The question is, can a husband’s prayers be hindered? The Greek word translated “hindered” also means, “To cut off occasion” or “To frustrate.” This is very revealing! When the occasion for you to pray is cut off, it means you cannot pray. How can you pray when you’re facing some frustrating moments at home? Apostle Peter was married, right? Could it be that he was talking from his personal experience?
You see, the word “woman” is from two words, “womb” and “man.” It is womb-man; the man with the womb. The difference between a man and a woman is that, both are men, except that the woman is a man with a womb. The womb is an incubator. When the husband plants spermatozoon into the womb of his wife, it becomes a fetus. Actually, the word “female” is also from two words, “male” and “fetus.” A female is simply the male who carries the fetus. Since the womb is an incubator, whatever the man gives to the woman is multiplied back to him.
When a husband loves his wife, the wife gives back to him multiplied love. When a husband shows care for his wife, the wife gives him much care. However, If a husband does not heed to the instruction in 1 Peter 3:7, he will be sowing seeds of frustration; and obviously, he should expect to receive multiplied frustration. There’s nothing that cuts off the occasion to pray more than when one is frustrated. Multiplied frustration is a hindrance to prayer.
Some wives have misinterpreted and used our theme Scripture to manipulate their husbands, claiming that, if their husbands don’t treat them well, their prayers will be hindered. That is wrong application of Scripture, but it’s also no justification for husbands to treat their wives anyhow. All that the Holy Spirit wants husbands to know, is that, when a wife becomes a knife; when the one who is to be with you becomes a thorn in your flesh; you cannot pray until you make peace with her.
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January 01, 2025