Monday, May 18, 2020
Month Theme: The Sons of Oil
Topic: Reason for Two - Two for Warfare
Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 4:1-12
Main Text:
Zechariah 4:14
14 Then said he, These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth.
The anointing attracts warfare. Two anointed ones – sons of the oil – fight for each other and defeat the enemy. The Bible presents TWO sons of oil, NOT ONE (Zechariah 4:11-14). The Hebrew word for “two” in the above scripture reference is shenayim meaning two, second, double, couple and twofold. The word shenayim means more than the number two – it speaks about the union of two ie double, couple, twofold. Agreement is implied.
The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes says that two people are better than one person because they have a good reward for their labour (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). One person may chase one thousand people in warfare but the combined strength of two fighters can put ten thousand to flight (Deuteronomy 32:30). We need reinforcement in battle because of: 1. Discernment – everybody has a blind side; the aspects of discernment that you can’t see.
2. Delegation – transfer of power to someone else; assign a task to someone.
3. Deployment – the movement of troops or equipment to a place or position for military action. One person cannot advance into battle – fear, lack of adequate ability will destroy you.
During one of His evangelistic efforts, Jesus Christ sent His disciples two by two into the cities and places, where He had planned to come later (Luke 10:1-3). This was because:
i. The harvest is great.
ii. They were sent like lambs among wolves.
It is advantageous for believers to undertake their missions in at least twos.
We are stronger when we are together than when we function as individuals. The INDIVIDUALISTIC spirit is an INDEFENSIBLE unit.
Prayer: Pray and ask God to bring into your life the person who will give you the needed support, supply and supervision to fulfill your purpose.
Recommended Reading:
"The Sons of Oil" by Eastwood Anaba
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