Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Month Theme: Let Brotherly Love Continue
Topic: The Great Commendation
Scripture Reading: Matthew 25:30-40; Hebrews 13:1-9
Main Text:
John 13:34
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
The author of Hebrews told his readers to remember those who are in bonds. They are to empathise with them and live as if they are bound with them. As a body we should not isolate ourselves from the sufferings of others. The butler forgot about Joseph when he came out of prison.
In general the modern day Church does not face the crude form of persecution the early Church faced. We however, face our own situations that expose the lack of brotherly love in the Church. We do not visit the sick. When brethren who were once rich lose their wealth, even the pastor stops checking on them. Brethren face misfortunes only to be deserted by their loved ones in the house of God. There is however, a great commendation awaiting believers who care for those in bonds. Jesus Christ will commend believers who visit others in prison (Matthew 25:27-30).
We should not join the world to persecute our own. When the world rises up against some of our brethren we must have the wisdom to protect our own. Let brotherly love continue. Look for the lost amongst us. Weep with them that weep. Share the pain of them that are in pain. It is very agonising to be in pain and have no one share it with you. Imprisonment should not separate us. Persecution must not stop us from being responsible for one another. Let us do church together even in prison.
Prayer: Pray that your life, by the grace of God, will impact somebody who is in bonds.
Recommended Reading:
"The Love Revolution" and "The Millennium Pages of Love" by Eastwood Anaba
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