Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Month Theme: Let Brotherly Love Continue
Topic: Respond to Love
Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 9:1-5; Hebrews 13:1-9
Main Text:
Hebrews 13:5
5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Many people respond to those whom they love by mourning with them. They sink with them. They empathise with them. They descend into the pit with them. But these are not enough.
We are to remember those who are in adversity as if we are the ones suffering. We don’t do this by mourning or crying. We do everything possible to come out. We demonstrate love by moving those who cannot help themselves to move up to where we are.
David and Jonathan loved each other (1 Samuel 18:3). Jonathan’s son Mephibosheth overcame adversity because David loved Jonathan (2 Samuel 9:3-5). Three things stand out in the Mephibosheth's story:
Lame on both feet. Many are deformed in the world spiritually, physically and mentally.
Mephibosheth was dropped and later dumped in Lodebar. Lodebar means pastureless. It was not his fault he became lame, neither did he go to Lodebar himseld. Many people are in pits people dropped them into.
Mephibosheth means exterminator of the shame of idolatry and dispeller of shame. He defied his circumstances because someone loved him. Don't accept any condition you're not comfortable in. Believe God to come out of that pit.
Mephibosheth overcame adversity responding to David’s love. He left Lodebar and came to Jerusalem – David’s palace. He ate at the Kings table and his father’s possessions were restored to him.
• If someone can love you enough, you may come out of your lobebar.
• Don’t fall into the pit with those you love, bring them out of it.
• Love someone enough to bring him or her to your level (Matthew 12:11).
Prayer: Pray that God will raise more people in the Body of who will lift others from the pits of shame, pain and bondage.
Recommended Reading:
"The Love Revolution" and "The Millennium Pages of Love" by Eastwood Anaba
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